The home show is coming up in Grinnell. I want everyone who comes to know there is a new scrap booking store in town. So we are going --- ORANGE AND BLACK . Orange and Black -- Orange and Black. Just so Monte, Lynnville-Sully, Newton, BGM, etc won't be offended, we have included them as well.
Junior and Senior High students: It is easy to find scrap booking ideas for students who are "IN" everything -- art, band, athletics, etc. But, what about those students who choose to do OTHER things in their lives.
Well, I have been creating skateboarding pages, ATV pages, bike pages, school essential pages, (car, IPOD, cell phone,) friends pages and more etc.
I want everyone to know, these pages are for those of you who want nice but simple pages for your son or daughter. They are simple and easy to do. Just create one like them, or buy the basic kit, and add the embellishments you want. If you want to "scrap lift" -- what a complement to Scrap It PLUS -- and all of our staff who have contributed.
Come see us at the home show.