Scrap It PLUS

Welcome to Scrap It PLUS. We offer a unique experience. We have classes, items to sell, memberships, crops, and special events. We have tools to complete your projects, or we can offer you OUR tools. Come have a great time with us.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Layouts -- Day 5

Ok -- Day 5 is here -- or maybe passed! Anyway, we are busy designing and making layouts for you to "scraplift", buy the layout and put it together yourself, or buy ones already assembled. And guess what, you can also come in and just buy the elements to put on your own design -- like a football, basketball, skateboard, etc. . .

More about that later

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Pages Pages Pages

What a fun day. Sam came down, (9 years old) used the Cricut Expression to create his page, and left before an hour was over. He knew what we wanted to do. (Yes, Sam, took the last beginning Cricut Expression Class) During the class, he and his beautiful sister were funny and wonderful. All the adults loved them. Sam had the knack of asking all the questions the adults wanted to ask.

This weekend, Carrie Martin and I worked and worked on duplicating layouts in the different school colors. We decided we are only going to do a FEW duplicates. What if I duplicated in 8 different schools, and no one wanted them . . . poor choice of time and resources. So YOU, the public will have to tell me whether you WANT this in YOUR school colors. . . I am SOOOOO willing, but time and resources sooooo limited. Come to the HOME SHOW, see your school's book, and the MASTER BOOK -- to see if you want the layouts.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Day 4

OK -- I admit it -- We're working on more layouts for the schools . Yes, right now we have 4 school colors and thinking about adding 3 more. How nice would it be to have the layout done -- Or at least, be able to come buy components so we can create your own layouts.

Here is another fun layout for the DRAMA part of school

Stay posted here to watch for more to come. Or go to our facebook page -- ScrapItPLUS


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

High School Seniors beware Newton, BGM, Zumas Tigers

I know -- You think this is JUST TIGERS -- as we speak, we are crating the exact layout for Zuma, BGM, Newton with a few modifications. . . (AKA--no Tiger logo)

Dewey, Mocha (our wonderful dog AKA Raccoon ) took a road trip to WI today. First time
we've been out of the store and town (Scrap It PLUS in Grinnell, Iowa) together for MONTHS. We held hands, had a wonderful dinner at the Amanas and sold a horse trailer. Don't worry, we still own my bigger horse trailer. Meanwhile, as Dewey was driving, I designed layouts on my portable device, the Cricut Gypsy. You will be seeing those components coming up in later posts.

Here is one of our Senior pages. Note: We make these pages elegant, simple, and easy to adapt. So simple for you to just add your photos and articles, etc. Design your own, use our individual elements, use our page layout kits -- but, come come come to Scrap It PLUS to get it done.

TIGERS, BEARS, Zumas, Cardinals

Attention: TIGER, BGM, ZUMA, Cardinals.

We’ve been busy designing and creating layout kits for your son or daughter. We are starting at preschool and going all the way up to graduation day. We have individual elements for sale, or you can buy the kit and put it together like similar to the one we created. When we are done, we hope to have most of the elements/la.youts for special times in the school life of your child.

So be it Orange and Black, Blue and White, Red and Black or Red, White and Blue we have it. Ok, we can do some custom colors if you wish.

Watch our FACEBOOK (ScrapItPLUS) and see a new layout every day.

Monday, February 21, 2011

OK-- Cricut has me obsessed

Ok -- I now admit it, the Cricut Expression has given me a new obsession. Ok -- At Scrap It PLUS, we have 90 plus cartridges to choose from.

Here is an image that I did for Nichole and the Cricut Circle Challenge #21-- We were to use the theme of an animal, and have at least two cuts. I used the Gypsy to make the 3" windows (Plantin Schoolbook Cartridge. ) I then took the same layout and reduced the windows to make the white mat. It took me less than 10 minutes to design this on the Gypsy. I now take my Gypsy everywhere.

The word, Nichole, is from Old West cartridge.

I love the look of the window. I will be reusing this layout for other pictures as well.